I am a month out from starting my 8 month adventure in Ourense, but I thought it'd be of value to map out how it is I got here to begin with... [note: dates are rough, ROUGH estimations...]
- 6.14.2011--Came home from the best semester of life in Granada, Spain. Vow to return. (That semester is all on my old blog here)
- 8.13.2011--Finally began to overcome my deep nostalgia for Spain/hatred for everything American.
- 11.30.2011--Get a recommendation from my adviser to consider applying for a Language Assistant position in Spain, in case the Peace Corps doesn't work out. Ponder the opportunity skeptically. Take 20 minutes out of my day to submit the initial application, just in case.
- 1.20.2012--Find out that if I want a legitimate chance to get into the Peace Corps, I need teaching experience. Do not have any teaching experience. Oops. HEY. Good thing I have a plan B!
- 4.1.2012--Date in which we are SUPPOSED to find out our placement, or even whether or not we got into the program.
- 4.2.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.3.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.4.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.5.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.6.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.7.2012.--Seeing as the program is in Spain, of course they are running on Spanish time. Still no word.
- 4.8.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.9.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.10.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.11.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.12.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.13.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.14.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.15.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.16.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.17.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.18.2012.--Still no word.
- 4.19.2012.--Still no word.
- .....................................
- 4.29.2012.--This is cruel joke.
- 4.30.2012-- Graduation is quickly approaching.
- 5.1.2012--I'm never going to hear back.
- 5.2.2012--I'll never make it back to Spain.
- 5.3.2012--I'm going to be jobless.
- 5.4.2012--And homeless.
- 5.6.2012--Oh I just remembered I don't have a job.
- 5.23.2012--Well. Just walked across the stage at graduation.
- 5.24.2012.--FINALLY. THANK THE HEAVENS, WHAT A GREAT GRADUATION PRESENT!--I received an e-mail stating I've been placed in the province of Galicia. RejoiceRejoiceRejoiceCryRejoice.
- 7.1.2012--Find out I'll be in the city of Ourense, Spain. Commence the drawn out, confusing process of obtaining a Spanish visa.
- 8.7.2012--Spanish visa is in my HANDS. Purchase tickets to Spain.
So here I am now, 8.26.2012. Here is what I have planned for the future:
- 9.26.2012--PEACE OUT U.S.A.
- 6.12.2013-- Hi again U.S.A...
Yep, so I've got a nice little 8-month gap to fill in there... We'll see how I manage c: